VAT and billing
Our prices are inclusive of VAT.


Conditions of use Payments
Prices and currency
The official currency of the site is the euro. For countries that do not adhere to the euro the exchange rate depends on the rates applied by their credit card and rates applied by the form of payment used.
Payments and all monetary transactions take place in euros. The prices and changes of other currencies have only an indicative value to help the user have a greater perception of values.
Product prices may be subject to updates. The user must always verify the accuracy of the final sale price before submitting the corresponding order form.

VAT - Duties
For countries adhering to the European Community, the price of the product is inclusive of VAT.
For the non-EU countries, since it is not subject to VAT, the price of the product is not included in the local taxes, import and customs clearance that will vary according to the regulations of the country in which the article is sent and paid by the customer upon receipt of the goods.

Payment by credit card or PayPal (through PayPal platform)
After confirming your order data, you will be redirected to the PayPal website where you can make payment by credit card without having a PayPal account or alternatively access your PayPal account to complete the payment.
The email address associated with our PayPal account for payments receipt

Payment by bank transfer
Beneficiary: GAMS S.R.L.
Intesa San Paolo SpA
IBAN: IT20U0306941726100000002614
The bookkeeper must be anticipated by e-mail to the entering the order number as object and the date. The ordered products will be sent only when we receive confirmation from our bank of payment.
The bank transfer must be made within 72 hours from the date of purchase otherwise the order will be canceled.

Payment by mark
4GIVENESS accepts cash on delivery only for shipments in Italy, at no additional cost (at a cost of € 5.00 for the national territory).

Scalapay payment
If you buy with Scalapay, you receive your order immediately and pay in 3 installments. Take note that the installments will be transferred to SPV increment.